(:Summary: All PmWiki page actions (?action=) and other query parameters:) (:div class="rfloat frame" style="font-size:smaller; clear:right;" :) !!!! Table of contents * [[#defaultactions| Default actions]] * [[#enablediag| Enable diag actions]] * [[#scriptactions | Script actions]] * [[#cookbook | Cookbook actions]] (:divend:) Page actions are applied to wiki pages, as a [[Wikipedia:Query_string|query string]] appended to the [[Wikipedia:Uniform_Resource_Locator|URL]]. [[Security]] can be applied to all [[#defaultactions|default actions]], and [[#scriptactions|script actions]] with one exception, but not [[#enablediag|diag actions]], through the use of [[passwords]]. Also documented are all other URL queries. '''NOTE:''' All actions will be disabled if the following is set: [@ $EnableActions = 0; include('pmwiki.php'); @] This will initialize PmWiki (along with any configuration/customizations that are being made, e.g. from local/config.php), but won't actually perform any actions. The caller can then call the desired action or other functions as desired. This is available from [[PmWiki/ChangeLog#v22022|Version 2.2.0-beta22]] on up. [[#defaultactions]] !! PmWiki Actions See also [[site page actions]]. [[#attr]] :?action='''attr''': displays dialog for setting/changing password of the specified page or group of pages, see [[PmWiki/passwords]], see also $EnablePostAttrClearSession if you do not want to have the session cleared after validating change [- {PmWiki/Passwords$:Summary} -] [[#browse]] :?action='''browse''': display the specified page (default action if no [@?action=@] is present) [[#crypt]] :?action='''crypt''': displays a form for generating hashed [[Passwords | passwords]] out of clear text for usage in your config.php [[#diff]] :?action='''diff''': show a change history of the specified page, see [[PmWiki/page history]] [- {PmWiki/PageHistory$:Summary} -] [[#download]] :?action='''download'''&upname=''file.ext'': retrieve the page's attachment named ''file.ext'', see $EnableDirectDownload [[#edit]] :?action='''edit''': edit the specified page, see [[PmWiki/basic editing]] [- {PmWiki/BasicEditing$:Summary} -] [[#login]] :?action='''login''': prompt visitor for username/password, by default using [[Site.AuthForm]] [[#logout]] :?action='''logout''': remove author, password, and login information [[#print]] :?action='''print''': display the specified page using the skin specified by $ActionSkin['print'] [[#refcount]] :?action='''refcount''': bring up the reference count form, which allows the user to generate a list of links (all, missing, existing or orphaned) in or from specified groups. See [[Ref Count]] [- {PmWiki/RefCount$:Summary} -]. Part of the core distribution but must be enabled by the administrator. [[#search]] :?action='''search''': displays searchbox on current page, see [[PmWiki/search]] [- {PmWiki/Search$:Summary} -] :?action='''search'''&q=''searchterm'': performs search with ''searchterm'' and displays results on current page :?action='''search'''&q=link=''pagename'': performs backlinks search with ''pagename'' and displays results on current page [[#source]] :?action='''source''': show page source [[#feed]] :?action='''atom''': :?action='''rdf''': :?action='''rss''': :?action='''dc''': If [[web feeds]] are enabled, returns a syndication feed based on the contents of the page or other options provided by the url, see [[PmWiki/web feeds]] [- {PmWiki/WebFeeds$:Summary} -] [[#upload]] :?action='''upload''': display a form to upload an attachment for the current group, see [[PmWiki/uploads]] [- {Cookbook/Uploads$:Summary} -] [[#defaultactionsend]] ---- [[#querystrings]] !! Query string parameters [[#from]] :?'''from'''=''page name'': use when a page is redirected [[#n]] :?'''n'''=''page name'': display page [[#setprefs]] :?'''setprefs'''=''SomeGroup.CustomPreferences'': sets cookie to custom preferences page. See [[PmWiki/site preferences]] [- {PmWiki/SitePreferences$:Summary} -] ---- [[#enablediag]] !! Actions enabled by $EnableDiag [[#BEGENABLEDIAG]] The following actions are available only if you set @@$EnableDiag = 1;@@ in your configuration file. They can be used for debugging and should not be set in a production environment. :?action='''ruleset''': displays a list of all markups in 4 columns: ** column 1 = markup-name (1. parameter of markup() ) ** column 2 = when will rule apply (2. parameter of markup() ) ** column 3 = PmWiki's internal sort key (derived from #2) ** column 4 = Debug backtrace information for potentially incompatible rules (filename, line number, pattern) ->(see [[Custom Markup]] [- {PmWiki/CustomMarkup$:Summary} -]). ->To see more than what [@?action=ruleset@] gives you, apply the [[Cookbook:MarkupRulesetDebugging]] recipe: it can also show the pattern and the replacement strings. ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms. [[#phpinfo]] :?action='''phpinfo''': displays the output of phpinfo() and exits. No page will be processed ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms. [[#diag]] :?action='''diag''': displays a dump of all global vars and exits. No page will be processed ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms. [[#ENDENABLEDIAG]] ---- [[#scriptactions]] !! Actions enabled by PmWiki Scripts [[#analyse]] :?action='''analyze''': see [[(PmWiki:)Site Analyzer]] and [[(PmWiki:)Analyze Results]] [[#approvesites]] :?action='''approvesites''': see [[PmWiki/Url approvals]] [- {PmWiki/UrlApprovals$:Summary} -] ** doesn't make use of PmWiki's authorization mechanisms. [[#analyseend]] ---- [[#cookbook]] !! Actions enabled by [[Cookbook(:.)]] recipes (more information about [[(PmWiki:)Custom Actions]]) :?action='''admin''': see [[Cookbook:UserAuth2]] [- {Cookbook/UserAuth2$:Summary} -] :?action='''backup''': see [[Cookbook:BackupPages]] [- {Cookbook/BackupPages$:Summary} -] :?action='''clearsky''': see [[Cookbook:SearchCloud]] [- {Cookbook/SearchCloud$:Summary} -] :?action='''cm-dependencies''': see [[Cookbook:CodeMirror]] [- {Cookbook/CodeMirror$:Summary} -] :?action='''comment''': see [[Cookbook:CommentBox]] [- {Cookbook/CommentBox$:Summary} -] :?action='''comments''': see [[Cookbook:Comments]] [- {Cookbook/Comments$:Summary} -] :?action='''comment-rss''': see [[Cookbook:CommentDb]] [- {Cookbook/CommentDb$:Summary} -] :?action='''convert''': see [[Cookbook:ROEPatterns]] [- {Cookbook/ROEPatterns$:Summary} -] :?action='''converttable''': [[Cookbook:ConvertTable]] [- {Cookbook/ConvertTable$:Summary} -] :?action='''copy''': see [[Cookbook:MovePage]] [- {Cookbook/MovePage$:Summary} -] :?action='''csv''': see [[Cookbook/CSVAction]] [- {Cookbook/CSVAction$:Summary} -] :?action='''downloaddeleted''': :?action='''delattach''': :?action='''delattach''': :?action='''deldelattach''': :?action='''fileinfo''': :?action='''thumbnail''': :?action='''undelattach''': [[Cookbook:Attachtable]] [- {Cookbook/Attachtable$:Summary} -] :?action='''delete''': see [[Cookbook:DeleteAction]] [- {Cookbook/DeleteAction$:Summary} -] :?action='''discuss''': see [[Cookbook:DiscussionTab]] [- {Cookbook/DiscussionTab$:Summary} -] :?action='''downloadman''': see [[Cookbook:DownloadManager]] [- {Cookbook/DownloadManager$:Summary} -] :?action='''expirediff''': see [[Cookbook:ExpireDiff]] [- {Cookbook/ExpireDiff$:Summary} -] :?action='''import''': see [[Cookbook:ImportText]] [- {Cookbook/ImportText$:Summary} -] :?action='''move''': see [[Cookbook:MovePage]] [- {Cookbook/MovePage$:Summary} -] :?action='''PageUrl''': see [[Cookbook:CommentBoxPlus]] [- {Cookbook/CommentBoxPlus$:Summary} -] :?action='''pageindex''': see [[Cookbook:ListCategories]] [- {Cookbook/ListCategories$:Summary} -] :?action='''pdf''': see [[Cookbook:GeneratePDF]] [- {Cookbook/GeneratePDF$:Summary} -] or [[Cookbook:PmWiki2PDF]] [- {Cookbook/PmWiki2PDF$:Summary} -] :?action='''postupload2''': see [[Cookbook:UploadForm]] [- {Cookbook/UploadForm$:Summary} -] :?action='''publish''': see [[Cookbook:PublishPDF]] [- {Cookbook/PublishPDF$:Summary} -] :?action='''purgeqns''': see [[Cookbook:ASCIIMath]] [- {Cookbook/ASCIIMath$:Summary} -] :?action='''pwchange''': see [[Cookbook:UserAuth2]] [- {Cookbook/UserAuth2$:Summary} -] :?action='''imgtpl''': (the ''imgtpl'' action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''createthumb''': (the ''createthumb'' action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''mini''': (this action is called automatically and should not be called by a link in a wiki page) :?action='''purgethumbs''': see [[Cookbook:ThumbList]] [- {Cookbook/ThumbList$:Summary} -] \\ see [[Cookbook:Mini]] [- {Cookbook/Mini$:Summary} -] :?action='''recipecheck''': see [[Cookbook:RecipeCheck]] [- {Cookbook/RecipeCheck$:Summary} -] :?action='''regen''': see [[Cookbook:PageRegenerate]] [- {Cookbook/PageRegenerate$:Summary} -] :?action='''reindex''': see [[Cookbook:Reindex]] [- {Cookbook/Reindex$:Summary} -] :?action='''rename''': :?action='''links''': see [[Cookbook:RenamePage]] [- {Cookbook/RenamePage$:Summary} -] :?action='''share''': :?action='''unshare''': see [[Cookbook:SharedPages]] [- {Cookbook/SharedPages$:Summary} -] :?action='''sitemapaddgroups''': :?action='''sitemapupdate''': see [[Cookbook:Sitemapper]] [- {Cookbook/Sitemapper$:Summary} -] :?action='''totalcounter''': see [[Cookbook:TotalCounter]] [- {Cookbook/TotalCounter$:Summary} -] :?action='''trash''': :?action='''untrash''': see [[Cookbook:Trash]] [- {Cookbook/Trash$:Summary} -] :?action='''webadmin''': see [[Cookbook:WebAdmin]] [- {Cookbook/WebAdmin$:Summary} -] :?action='''zap''': see [[Cookbook:ZAP]] [- {Cookbook/ZAP$:Summary} -] [[#cookbookend]] ---- [[#cookbookqueryskins]] !! Query string parameters enabled by [[Cookbook(:.)]] recipes :?'''color'''=''colorscheme'': :?'''setcolor'''=''colorscheme'' :?'''skintheme'''=''theme'': :?'''setskintheme'''=''theme'': see [[Cookbook:ChoiceColorChanger ]] [- {Cookbook/ChoiceColorChanger $:Summary} -] :?'''skin'''=''skinname'': :?'''setskin'''=''skinname'': see [[http://www.pmwiki.org/wiki/Skins/SkinChange|SkinChange]] [- {Skins/SkinChange$:Summary} -] !!Custom actions *See [[(PmWiki:)CustomActions]].